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Eyes Everywhere: Surveillance and Data Retention under the EU Charter

In La Quadrature Du Net II, the CJEU significantly lowered standards for mass data retention under the EU Charter, prioritizing security over privacy. The Symposium brings together European and international scholars and practitioners to explore how this shift may affect EU citizens' protection of fundamental rights and substantially redefine the surveillance and data retention framework for public and private agents. Co-edited by Erik Tuchtfeld, Isabella Risini, and Jakob Gašperin Wischhoff.

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Europe’s Foundation and its Future: The EU Charter in Focus

On paper, the fundamental rights found in the EU Charter have undergone a remarkable journey, evolving from soft general principles of law into a transformative force shaping EU law. And while legal experts are well-aware of the foundational role the Charter plays within the EU, it has failed to become a document that European citizens have embraced as their own. This symposium, edited by Jakob Gašperin Wischhoff, is the first of several that aim to change this. Featuring legal scholars and practitioners examining the most pressing questions surrounding the Charter, we will show both its transformative force as well as areas where its potential is yet to be fully realized.

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The Challenges of Nuance

Five Questions to Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

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Die Mühen der Differenzierung

Fünf Fragen an Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

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Max Steinbeis: Die verwundbare Demokratie

Während Populisten überall auf der Welt die freiheitliche Rechtsordnung aushebeln, halten wir unsere Demokratie noch immer für unverwundbar. Die Feinde der demokratischen Vielfalt missbrauchen unter dem Vorwand, die wahren Interessen des Volkes zu vertreten, das Recht. Was droht Deutschland? Dieses Buch von Maximilian Steinbeis ist die zentrale Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse des Thüringen-Projekts und zeigt am Beispiel Thüringen, wie Populisten den freiheitlichen Staat zerstören könnten, indem sie Gesetze und Institutionen missbrauchen.

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03 December 2024

The Return of Not-Quite “Phantom Experts”?

On Monday, 2 December 2024, the much anticipated hearing began in the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change advisory proceedings before the International Court of Justice. Less than a week before the start of the hearing, the Court issued a brief and unusual press release about a meeting that it held with scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Court’s decision to meet privately with the scientists raises questions about the Court’s procedures and its approach to evidence. Above all, it is unclear why the Court decided to consult with the IPCC scientists in a closed meeting rather than eliciting testimony from these individuals as part of the formal, public hearing.

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Eine Schwangerschaft, eine Beziehung

Aktuell liegt ein fraktionsübergreifender Gesetzentwurf zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch vor, der eine begrenzte Liberalisierung des deutschen Rechts vorsieht. Kritiker*innen werfen dem Entwurf vor, einseitig die Rechte der schwangeren Frau gegenüber dem ungeborenen Leben durchzusetzen. Diese Kritiken zeigen die Schwangerschaft fälschlicherweise als Konflikt zwischen zwei antagonistischen Individuen. Schwangerschaft ist ein komplexer Entwicklungsprozess, der tiefgreifend die Identität der Schwangeren berührt und von der Beziehung zwischen Schwangeren und Ungeborenem geprägt ist.

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02 December 2024

A Right to Anonymity in the Digital Age

Although digital anonymity is associated with a wide range of opportunities, it also stands in the way of successful criminal prosecution. The right to respect private and family life under the the EU Charter as well as the right to protection of personal data are of fundamental importance for natural persons. However, since life is increasingly taking place online, anonymity can be exploited to spread hate, discriminatory content, and fake news. Considering these risks, the ECJ has opened the door to data retention in Europe and thereby restricted digital anonymity.

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Data Retention Laws and La Quadrature du Net II

La Quadrature du Net II has been criticized for allowing generalized metadata retention measures. However, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the law must not become a mechanism for protecting criminals. The scale of online rights violations are a real problem. P2P networks are not only a threat to copyright protection, but also an environment for the distribution of content related to serious crime. It is therefore necessary to strike a balance between these two concerns and to propose solutions that adequately protect users without guaranteeing impunity for criminals.

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Squaring the Circle

La Quadrature du Net II, which allows for the general retention of IP addresses to combat copyright infringements committed online, should not be viewed as carte blanche for general data retention measures by the Member States. Instead of watering down fundamental rights protection on a case-by-case approach, Member States should agree on guarantees and safeguards as well as a list of serious crimes allowing only the restricted use of targeted data retention in specific cases.

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29 November 2024

The Challenges of Nuance

Five Questions to Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

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Die Mühen der Differenzierung

Fünf Fragen an Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

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New Media, New Data and a Dark Foreboding

After the major shift in surveillance practices from state power and control to big tech corporations and monetisation, we are currently witnessing yet another Zeitenwende: Surveillance practices as a means of hybrid warfare, with the AI-driven vision of accessing what people think and feel. This type of surveillance produces knowledge that not only claims to reveal what people are likely to do in the future but also what they feel and think. The consequences of this epistemological bending are potentially grave.

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Testing the Waters of Private Data Pools

Nowadays, data is mostly collected not by state actors but by businesses. In 2010, the German Constitutional Court held that the legislator has to evaluate the overall level of surveillance in Germany before enacting new data retention obligations. In light of the recent rejuvenised discussions about data retention and a general surveillance account, this text explores whether such an account needs to consider private data pools and what is required for a successful evaluation.

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28 November 2024

Compensation for Victims of Violent Crimes

On 7 November 2024, the CJEU provided clarifications for building a cohesive EU-wide framework for compensating crime victims. The ruling not only curtails Member States’ discretion in interpreting key concepts that are critical to defining eligibility for compensation, but it also strengthens the interplay between the Compensation Directive and the Victims’ Rights Directive. This judgment reinforces the the harmonized definition of victim established in Article 2 of the Victims’ Rights Directive, solidifying its status for determining those entitled to victim’s rights.

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Data Retention in a Cross-Border Perspective

This blog post compares the European and US approach to metadata surveillance and highlights some challenges that arise therefrom. It aims at shedding light on the main legal issues that may arise for the future of global counterterrorism. The essential role of courts in striking and keeping a balance between security and protection of human rights is further examined in light of the judgement in La Quadrature du Net II. Efforts should be made to avoid that the economic power of the US would lower the privacy standards when it comes to metadata surveillance.

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The Long and Winding Road

The Court of Justice’s Quadrature du Net judgements mark another key moment in the complex and long-lasting legal debate on mass data retention in the European Union. This blogpost critically discusses the “constitutionalisation path” outlined by the EU Judges as well as the fragmented roads taken by Member States, with specific attention to Italy. Ultimately, it demonstrates the need for a decisive EU legislators’ intervention, able to draw the future path of data retention regimes.

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The Future of GDPR Enforcement

The ongoing trilogue negotiations on the GDPR procedural regulation aim to address significant enforcement shortcomings. From strengthening complainants' rights to harmonising Data Protection Authorities' discretion and improving cross-border cooperation, these discussions carry major implications for data protection in Europe. This analysis highlights the urgent need for reforms to ensure effective and fair enforcement.

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Rechtswissenschaftliche Stellungnahme zu einem Parteiverbotsverfahren gegen die Alternative für Deutschland

Die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner dieser Stellungnahme sind der Auffassung, dass ein Parteiverbotsverfahren gegen die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), wie es etwa von 113 Abgeordneten in der Drs. 20/13750 beantragt wird, Aussicht auf Erfolg hat.

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Of Minor Benefits and Major Costs

Is general and indiscriminate data retention permissible under the EU fundamental rights framework? In La Quadrature du Net II, the Court tilts the metaphorical scale towards data retention. The take-away could contribute to the enlargement of privatised surveillance that rests on a generalised pre-emptive data retention scheme. The ECJ’s findings could cement intrusive practices emerging from the counter-terrorism narrative to regular state practice at the expense of fundamental rights protection.

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27 November 2024

Who Let the Bots Out

As artificial intelligence revolutionizes modern warfare, systems like Israel’s Lavender and Ukraine’s Clearview AI are transforming combat with precision and efficiency. This advancement has sparked an urgent debate on the responsible use and governance of AI in military, with 57 countries signing the Political Declaration on AI’s military applications, urging adherence to international law. Central to this is the accountability – who is responsible when AI systems violate laws? This blog post argues that state responsibility for AI violations remains viable within existing legal frameworks.

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Prioritising Member States Over Citizens

The classic story about the right to privacy and data protection in the EU is one of a high level of protection. Yet, this original rosy image is increasingly fading away, most visibly in the La Quadrature du Net litigation, which is a continuation of two dynamics. First, the Court is still cleaning up the residual mess that lingers on from the now annulled Data Retention Directive. Second, in so doing, it is incrementally allowing the Member States indiscriminately retain personal data. Hence, the Court is carving out space for Member States’ preferences to the detriment of the protection of the individual.

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Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Die jüngeren Urteile des EuGHs zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung sind nicht als „kopernikanische Wende“ zu verstehen, in der der EuGH sein Selbstverständnis als Grundrechtsgericht aufgegeben hätte. Sie sind keine autoritär motivierte Abkehr von einer vormals grundrechtsfreundlichen Rechtsprechung. Vielmehr fügen sich die Urteile ein in die komplexe Entwicklung des ursprünglich national geprägten Sicherheitsverfassungsrechts. Diese Einordnung bedarf eines genaueren Blickes.

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Data Retention

The recent judgements of the CJEU on data retention should not be regarded as an authoritarian move towards a less fundamental rights-sensible position of the Court. Rather, the case law adapts the ever more complex development of the constitutional security law, which was originally dominated by the Member States. As a European court, the CJEU cannot simply ban certain police measures but must respect the complexity and heterogeneity of national law enforcement agencies.

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The Silence of the Israeli Supreme Court Judges

The arrest warrants by the ICC for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity are a red card for the Israeli legal system indicating grave doubts whether the Israeli legal system fulfills the complementarity requirement. Paradoxically, an indictment on the Israeli justice system arrives after the Israeli Supreme Court has recently fortified its position. Yet, the more the Court expanded its reach into the political arena, the less it could fulfill its core role of defending basic human rights.

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