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POSTS BY Anne Peters
01 April 2024

One Health – One Welfare – One Rights

The projected WHO Pandemic Agreement, as currently under negotiation, will most likely contain a detailed prescription of a One Health approach (Art. 1(d) and Art. 5 of the INB negotiating text of 30 October 2023). This contribution examines the legal potential of a One Health approach for laws and policies towards animals raised, kept, and slaughtered for providing meat, milk, fur, and other body products for human consumption. My main argument will be that, taken seriously, the idea of One health defies a hierarchy between the health of humans, animals, and ecosystems. The inner logic of One Health is to exploit the positive feedback loops between safeguarding human, animal, and ecosystem health. This approach should modify the still prevailing unreflected and unchecked prioritisation of measures in favour of human health at the expense of and to the detriment of animal health and life. I will illustrate my claim with two policy examples. Continue reading >>
24 February 2022

Erklärung zum russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine / Statement on the Russian attack on Ukraine

Vorstand und Rat der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht erklären: […] Continue reading >>
20 September 2021
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Heidelberger Salon digital: “Welt(un)ordnung und Internationales Recht”

Eine Diskussion zwischen Carlo Masala, Christian Marxsen, Carolyn Moser und Anne Peters. Continue reading >>
12 January 2021
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Informal, “soft” law has often been investigated through the lens of network authority. This panel contrasts two such perspectives from transnational law – private transnational legal regimes in the field of corporate social responsibility and the transition from and connections between informal and formal law in the field of global financial governance – with a theoretical approach that emphasizes the importance of connectivity norms for the global legal order. Continue reading >>
12 January 2021
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Multiple Legalities in International Law

This panel assembles four eminent international law scholars to discuss how the multiplicity of law beyond the state observed over the past two days affects the study of international law today. What are the prospects for international law as a discipline? Continue reading >>
28 December 2020

On Vaccine Nationalism, the ‘Slowbalisation’ and Zoonotic Diseases – Part II

In part II of the interview, MURATCAN SABUNCU and ANNE PETERS discuss whether states can be held responsible for ineffective responses to the pandemic, the role of the WHO and the future of multilateralism. Continue reading >>
28 December 2020

On Vaccine Nationalism, the ‘Slowbalisation’ and Zoonotic Diseases – Part I

Although it is impossible to predict all of the current pandemic’s potential consequences, Covid-19 has already acquired a multidimensional nature, affecting all levels of society, and will seemingly become a catalyst of change in many fields, including international relations and international law. In the light of the current developments, MURATCAN SABUNCU discusses with ANNE PETERS the coronavirus, its global effects and transformative potential. Continue reading >>
15 July 2019

From ‘Assigned Residence’ to ‘Zone’: Introduction to the Book Review Symposium on The ABC of the OPT

Israel's half-a-century long rule over the West Bank and Gaza Strip has been the subject of extensive academic literature, also in international law. Yet, there had been no comprehensive, theoretically informed, and empirically based academic study of the role of various legal mechanisms, norms, and concepts in shaping, legitimizing, and responding to the Israeli control regime. The ABC of the OPT. A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the most timely and award-winning new book by Orna Ben-Naftali, Michael Sfard and Hedi Viterbo (Cambridge University Press 2018) fills this gap and offers a comprehensive and yet detailed study of law’s role in constructing and maintaining this protracted and highly institutionalized regime. Continue reading >>
11 May 2017

Introduction: In search for conciliation

Sentenza 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court created a legal […] Continue reading >>
23 December 2014

Let Not Triepel Triumph – How To Make the Best Out of Sentenza No. 238 of the Italian Constitutional Court for a Global Legal Order

The Italian Constiutional Court’s decision no. 238 of 22 Oct. 2014 (unofficial […] Continue reading >>
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