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POSTS BY Evin Dalkilic
05 January 2024

Community Gardens

Academic publishing as a joint effort Continue reading >>
05 January 2024


Wissenschaftliches Publizieren gemeinsam gestalten Continue reading >>
11 November 2023

Jetzt mal unter uns Deutschen

Gruppen und Zugehörigkeiten Continue reading >>
11 November 2023

Between Us Germans

Groups and Belongings Continue reading >>
16 September 2022

OZOR in Bern

Nächste Woche ist Open-Access-Woche: In Bern finden die Open-Access-Tage statt, und direkt im Anschluss geht es mit der jurOA-Tagung weiter. Der Verfassungsblog und das Projekt OZOR werden auf beiden Veranstaltungen vertreten sein. Continue reading >>
02 July 2022


About the other things Verfassungsblog is doing Continue reading >>
02 July 2022


Über das, was der Verfassungsblog sonst noch so macht Continue reading >>
26 June 2022

Generation Action

Über Verzweiflung, Generationenversagen und Hoffnung. Continue reading >>
26 June 2022

Generation Action

On despair, generational failures, and hope. Continue reading >>
21 December 2021

Open / Closed

Open Access suggests the absence of gates and gatekeepers – but this is evidently not the case. Who gets to publish what and where is still very much a decision made by certain people in certain positions following certain procedures. Although Open Access carries the promise of removing barriers and democratising access, numerous barriers beyond the obvious ones like paywalls or processing charges exist or are being installed. Continue reading >>
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