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POSTS BY Lorin-Johannes Wagner
26 April 2024

Long Live Nottebohm

Next year, Nottebohm will be turning 70. Only very recently, Weiler, on this blog, made the point that the argument of a genuine link – underpinning the case of the Commission against the Maltese golden passport scheme – is unconvincing and rests on a “tendentious reading of Nottebohm”. Yet, in Commission v Malta, the CJEU may well reinvigorate a European debate about the genuine links that bind us. I, for once, would argue it is high time to make the point that nationality is not just anything a State makes of it. Continue reading >>
03 November 2023

Defusing an Atomic Bomb

The sigh of relief was audible throughout Europe. In Brussels and other European capitals, the victory of the opposition bloc in the Polish elections sparked hope that the imminent change in government would end the illiberal course of the past. While years of democratic backsliding have left lasting marks on Poland’s political and legal landscape, the newly elected government is clearly committed to leading Poland back onto the path of democracy and the rule of law. However, one pertinent institutional issue remains to be resolved: the still pending procedure against Poland under Art 7 TEU. Continue reading >>
25 April 2023

Investing Immobilized Russian Assets, Monetarizing the Common Foreign and Security Policy

Again, the Commission and EU Member States are talking about new sanctions against Russia. The focus, according to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, should be on tackling sanctions circumvention and loopholes. In a scoop, however, it was also uncovered that the Commission has drawn up a non-paper “on the generation of resources to support Ukraine from immobilized Russian assets”. The idea behind this non-paper is to invest the immobilized assets of the Russian Central Bank in EU Member States’ bonds and bills and use the proceeds to support the reconstruction of Ukraine. The plan, as the non-paper indicates, is fraught with a number of legal and technical issues. These do not only relate to the question of whether or not such an investment of immobilized assets is compatible with international law and EU law, but also to the question of who should undertake and oversee these investments. Continue reading >>
01 April 2022

Letters from Brussels with Love and the Issue of Mutual Trust in Nationality Matters

In a recent article on this blog, I have set out that the spotlight will soon be turning on the European passportization of Russian oligarchs. And well, what shall I say, it did not take long for the Commission to come out swinging. In a recommendation issued on March 28, the Commission urged “Member States to immediately repeal any existing investor citizenship schemes and to ensure strong checks are in place to address the risks posed by investor residence schemes”. Continue reading >>
18 March 2022

The Oligarchs Among Us

It is no secret that Russian oligarchs have not only been collecting fancy toys but also various golden passport, that not only have allowed them to make them feel like home in the Europe Union, but also to be a part of “us”. And since the spotlight is already shifting towards how it is that some of these Russian oligarchs are indeed “our” very own oligarchs, there will be questions of what it is that validates the legal status of nationality actually. It is an old question to be fair, but the apparent answer of the day that nationality is what any State makes of it is therefore no less unconvincing and should lead to some soul searching. Continue reading >>
12 November 2019

Peter Handke wird Österreicher gewesen sein

Die Aussagekraft des Satzes „Peter Handke wird wieder Österreicher gewesen sein“ ist nicht nur durch das Futur II entstellt, sondern auch durch einen jugoslawischen Pass. Der österreichische Literaturnobelpreisträger ist also (vielleicht) gar kein Österreicher. Man könnte jetzt meinen, dass diese dramaturgische Volte geradezu bezeichnend ist für die ambivalente Rezeption der Entscheidung des Literaturnobelpreiskomitees, Peter Handke in einen erlauchten Kreis zu heben, dessen Berechtigung der Preisträger selbst immer wieder infrage gestellt hat. Die Posse um Handkes Pass, besehen aus einem ganz anderen Blickwinkel, lädt allerdings ein, einen etwas grundsätzlicheren Blick auf das österreichische Verhältnis zu Doppel- und Mehrfachstaatsangehörigkeiten zu werfen. Continue reading >>
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