16 October 2024

Admissibility Revisited

In an effort to force the European Union to adopt more ambitious climate targets, two environmental NGOs initiated a proceeding before the EU General Court, invoking the rarely used mechanism of “internal review” under the EU’s Aarhus Regulation. The reason for this unusual approach lies within a reoccurring issue of climate litigation: overcoming restrictive admissibility requirements. This new approach follows a path that had not yet been considered by legal scholarship or practice. While the line of argument is rather innovative, it goes beyond the boundaries of the Aarhus Regulation and is therefore likely to fail. Continue reading >>

Chancengleichheit in der Vorwahlberichterstattung

Parteien, die bei einer Wahl Erfolg haben wollen, sind darauf angewiesen, im öffentlichen Diskurs Gehör zu finden. In diesem Sommer gab es zwei Versuche, sich in eine bereits konzipierte, unmittelbar vor der Wahl stattfindende Diskussionsveranstaltung einzuklagen. Die verwaltungsgerichtlichen Entscheidungen dieser Verfahren divergieren zwar in ihrem Tenor. Beide deuten jedoch auf eine neue Linie in der Rechtsprechung zur Vorwahlberichterstattung hin, die auch für die Bundestagswahl im kommenden Jahr noch relevant werden könnte und die kritisch zu betrachten ist. Continue reading >>
15 October 2024

New Structure, New Priorities

Von der Leyen has recently unveiled the new structure of the next Commission. At first sight it looks like a relatively light structure composed of only three hierarchical levels: the President on top, six Executive Vice-Presidents in the middle and the Commissioners at the bottom. However, as this post will argue, the new Commission is likely to become more hierarchical and less coordinated than before. Moreover, the new structure also reflects changing priorities that will lead to a less green agenda and increased competitiveness of the EU. Continue reading >>

Taking Locus Standing of International Actors Seriously

On October 4th 2024 the Court of Justice issued its judgement in Front Polisario II upholding the judgement in which GC annulled Council’s decision on the conclusion of the trade agreement between European Union and Morocco. In its landmark judgement the Court acknowledged the legal standing of Front Polisario – the liberation movement representing rights of the people of Western Sahara. The Court’s findings advance the flexible and adequate approach on access to EU’s courts – and for that are worth applauding. Continue reading >>

Bridging the CFSP Gap

The CJEU interprets its Common Foreign and Security Policy jurisdiction in light of the objectives set by the Lisbon Treaty, thereby integrating part and parcel of the CFSP into the rest of the European Union acquis. This aligns the CFSP with the general principles and constitutional rules set in the Treaty. As the Court advances the integration of CFSP jurisdiction within the broader EU legal order, the judgements of 10 September 2024 in Neves 77 Solutions and KS and KD v Council and Others serve as landmark ruling for the future of judicial review in CFSP. Continue reading >>
14 October 2024

Populismus und Plebiszit

Im kleinsten deutschsprachigen Staat, dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein, war der Einfluss rechtspopulistischer Parteien bisher überschaubar. Doch in letzter Zeit scheinen populistische Akteure in dem alpinen Kleinstaat einen Hebel entdeckt zu haben: die direkte Demokratie. Seit 2020 gab es bereits zwölf Abstimmungen, davon allein sechs im Jahr 2024. Gerade aus einer parlamentarischen Minderheitsposition heraus instrumentalisieren rechtspopulistische Kräfte direktdemokratische Verfahren, wenn ihnen entsprechende Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen. Continue reading >>

Wie viel Pay ist Equal Pay?

Eine Mitarbeiterin der Daimler AG hat erfolgreich auf Equal Pay geklagt: Das Arbeitsgericht Stuttgart stellte eine geschlechtsspezifische Lohndiskriminierung fest und sprach ihr die Differenz zum Medianentgelt der männlichen Vergleichsgruppe zu. Doch an wessen Gehalt orientiert sich die Nachzahlung? Diese Frage beantwortete das LAG Baden-Württemberg nun in kurioser Weise: Es sprach der Klägerin einen Ausgleich in Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem weiblichen und dem männlichen Medianentgelt zu. Eine Entscheidung, die dazu führen würde, dass Betroffene von Lohndiskriminierungen in keinem Fall ein ihnen zustehendes Spitzengehalt gerichtlich geltend machen könnten. Continue reading >>
13 October 2024

Legislating Reproductive Rights

In May, the Brazilian parliament introduced a bill that included a gestational age limit for performing abortions, even in cases where the pregnancy resulted from rape. In practice, the bill would criminalize women who were victims of sexual violence, especially young girls. The proposal triggered a strong reaction from civil society, which ultimately prompted parliament to withdraw the bill. The case illustrates how the Brazilian parliament has become a dangerous place for women’s sexual and reproductive rights – a situation that has worsened due to an institutional dispute between the parliament and the constitutional court. Continue reading >>
12 October 2024

Halbgare Würste

Bekanntlich sind Gesetze wie Würste. Doch dass man – anders als nach dem Otto von Bismarck zugeschriebenen Zitat – bei beiden durchaus dabei sein sollte, wenn sie gemacht werden, zeigt die momentane Reform des Tierschutzgesetzes. Am 26. September fand im Bundestag die erste Lesung statt. Der Gesetzesentwurf wurde in den vergangenen eineinhalbjährigen Vorarbeiten an entscheidenden Stellen abgeschwächt oder nicht zu Ende gedacht und begegnet deshalb rechtlichen Bedenken. Bevor es zu spät ist, sollten sich die anstehenden Ausschussberatungen jetzt um zukunftsfähige Regelungen bemühen, statt halbgare Kompromisse zu verwursten. Continue reading >>
11 October 2024

Drop Bothsideism

Western media are not equipped to handle right-wing populists like Donald Trump, Orbán, or the AfD. Moreover, constitutional theorists who argue that democracy should be purely procedural are joining the populist chorus. In our current age of populism we keep telling ourselves that everyone’s voice is always equally valid – also when based on lies and disinformation. It’s just another “point of view”. What populism has undermined is the right but also the courage to call out those who deliberately spread lies as well as those who in doing so openly use democratic institutions to destroy democracy. Continue reading >>
09 October 2024

Resurrected Colonial Courts and the Decolonization of the Chagos Archipelago

This post tells the fascinating story of two recent and remarkable developments in the decolonization of the Chagos Archipelago. Last week, the governments of Mauritius and the UK issued a surprise joint statement that the two countries had reached a ‘historical political agreement’ on the exercise of sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago. Running in counterpoint to the international plane, a once inactive colonial judiciary established as an administrative pretence has recently begun to hear cases, and in doing so set the administration of justice in conflict with the US military. Continue reading >>

Dismissing the Genuine Link by Disregarding Constitutional Principles

The struggle over the Maltese investment citizenship scheme is probably one of the fiercest debates of EU constitutional law. The conflict revolves around the question of whether EU law contains requirements for the acquisition of Union citizenship and whether these requirements consist in a “genuine link” between the respective state and individual. The recent Opinion by AG Collins provides us with an extremely narrow and astonishingly one-sided view. In particular, he seeks to make us believe that there are no sound ways to anchor a genuine link requirement in EU law. Martijn van den Brink finds it “hard to disagree with the Advocate General”. Respectfully, I disagree. Continue reading >>

Every Fake You Make

In Asia, the war on fake news is reaching the next level. Several countries tightened regulatory demands over the past few years and introduced criminal liability for users and platforms publishing false content online. The laws effectively contribute to making the truth: Anything that is not aligned with the legal standards of what is considered true may be found unlawful. This blog post scrutinizes new legislation in South Korea and Singapore. Both jurisdictions are criminalizing deepfakes per se during election periods. The post situates these laws in the broader context of legal efforts to tighten controls of digital communication in Asia and beyond. Continue reading >>

Concise, Clear, and Convincing

While the rhetorical battle over citizenship by investment has been won by the EU institutions, its legal success is still up for debate. Last week Advocate General Collins delivered his much-anticipated Opinion in Commission v Malta, proposing that the Court dismisses the Commission’s challenge in a concise, clear, and, as I will explain, convincing legal opinion.   Continue reading >>
08 October 2024

Für einen Opferschutz ohne Massenüberwachung

Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung erlebt einen neuen Höhenflug. Auch hier auf dem Verfassungsblog fordert der bayrische (CSU-)Innenminister Joachim Herrmann „Mehr Opferschutz durch Vorratsdatenspeicherung“. In der aktuellen Blütezeit der Sicherheitspakete lässt sich nun also auch eine „ganz große Koalition“ für eine Speicherpflicht von IP-Adressen beobachten. Was er und seine politischen Mitstreiter:innen dabei übersehen: Die digitalen Ermittlungsmöglichkeiten der Strafverfolgungsbehörden waren noch nie besser, die digitalen Datentöpfe, die ausgewertet werden können, nie größer. Continue reading >>

The Bombay High Court Dismisses the Ministry of Truth

In 2023, the Indian central government established a Fact Check Unit to monitor online content related to ‘any business of the Central Government’ and order the takedown of any information that it considered ‘fake or false or misleading.’ The FCU itself was envisaged as a public body and a part of the central government. As it seems, the Indian central government wanted to depart from existing liability rules protecting platforms in all cases of online criticism of the Indian State. As the FCU would be the last arbiter of what could be said online in India about the central government, the amendment instituted what could be called a ‘Ministry of Truth’. This was struck down by the Bombay High Court. Continue reading >>

Der unsichtbare Dritte

Rund ein halbes Jahr hat die Münchener Generalstaatsanwaltschaft einen Telefonanschluss abhören lassen, der von der Klimaschutzinitiative „Letzte Generation“ als sog. „Pressetelefon“ genutzt wurde. Inzwischen haben mehrere Journalisten Verfassungsbeschwerde zum Bundesverfassungsgericht erhoben. Das ist zu begrüßen, denn die Maßnahmen gegen Journalist*innen werfen Fragen auf, die im Lichte der Pressefreiheit grundsätzlicher Klärung bedürfen. Continue reading >>

Different Jurisdiction, Same Problems?

The relationship of Economics and Law is long, contested, and entangled. Law and Political Economy, a group of legal scholars that are mostly working at universities in the United States, offers yet another perspective on this relationship. LPE may be described as an attempt to analyse, criticise and shape Law and legal scholarship to contribute to a more democratic and more egalitarian society. How this concept translates to the german and european legal debate is examined in this blog post. What can LPE bring to the table? Continue reading >>
07 October 2024

How Germany’s Trajectory Differs from LPE’s Diagnosis for the US, and Where Germany’s Problems Lie

LPE’s diagnosis for the US situation does not map neatly on Germany’s political, constitutional and economic model and its trajectory. This does not mean, however, that the German model faces no problems; but these problems take a different shape and require distinct answers. Continue reading >>

The French Premiership Saga

The appointment of Michel Barnier as French Prime Minister and the designation of a cabinet even further to the right has led to thousands of protesters rallying across France. Taking a step back from the latest developments, this post looks back to some of the constitutional tensions the events of this summer have exposed. It argues that Emmanuel Macron’s actions following the snap election have relied on a distorted reading of the French constitution. In addition to raising serious legal questions, these actions have also set worrying precedents that arguably fit in a pattern of “executive aggrandizement”. Continue reading >>

Der EGMR im Kampf um rechtsstaatliche Asylverfahren in Europa

Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) hat Ungarn am 19. September 2024 für eine Verletzung des Verbots der Kollektivausweisung verurteilt. Die Tatsachen des Falls bilden eine lange Liste von Rechtsstaatsproblemen ab. Das Urteil stellt weiter den Schutzumfang des Art. 4 des 4. Zusatzprotokolls klar. Zugleich zeigt es, wie sich das Gericht – leise und ohne viel öffentliche Reaktion – gegen die vollständige Untergrabung rechtlicher Standards im Asyl- und Migrationsrecht stemmt. Continue reading >>

Leaping the Atlantic?

Eva Herzog opens the blog symposium by introducing the US-American LPE movement’s main thesis. She calls for thorough contextualization in German and European economic, social and cultural history. Continue reading >>

Constitutionalizing the Political Economy?

Is constitutionalization a process that Law and Political Economy should strive for? So far, this debate has mainly been conducted in the US context. There, promoting a version of popular constitutionalism based on an egalitarian economic vision is clearly an “uphill battle.” But what about Europe and Germany? Is constitutionalism here a way of transforming LPE’s critical perspective into a positive agenda? Continue reading >>
06 October 2024

Thinking Outside the (Ballot) Box

The Election Commission of Sri Lanka is riding a wave of praise after completing a peaceful presidential election on 21st September 2024. Less than a month before, however, the commission was found responsible for a breach of fundamental rights for its failure to conduct local government elections scheduled for 2023. This blogpost argues that the landmark decision sends a strong signal to all guarantor institutions in Sri Lanka to maintain their independence and to use their powers to discharge their functions. Continue reading >>

Angriff im Deckmantel der Selbstverteidigung

Die Regierung der Islamischen Republik Iran feuerte am 1. Oktober 2024 Raketen auf Israel. Hierbei gab es mehrere Verletzte, ein Palästinenser im Westjordanland kam ums Leben.  Der Iran  beruft sich auf das Selbstverteidigungsrecht aus Artikel 51 der UN-Charta als Reaktion auf die Tötung von Führungskräften seiner sogenannten „Achse des Widerstands“ durch Israel. Damit berufen sich beide Parteien auf das Recht zur Selbstverteidigung. Doch das Selbstverteidigungsrecht einer Partei schließt gleichzeitig das Recht der anderen aus. Wer kann sich also tatsächlich auf dieses Recht berufen? Continue reading >>

Lore Maria Peschel-Gutzeit

Lore Maria Peschel-Gutzeit was a judge, lawyer and Senator of Justice in Hamburg and Berlin. She fought for the introduction of part-time work and family leave for female civil servants, which was introduced in 1968 and has since become known as "Lex Peschel". Continue reading >>
05 October 2024

Whose Consent?

On 4 October 2024 the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice upheld the General Court’s decision to annul two economic agreements concluded between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco. This judgment is a landmark for the CJEU in its application of international law. The Grand Chamber is navigating a difficult path; it seeks to ensure EU agreements comply with international law and respect the rights of the people of Western Sahara while seeking to maintain economic relations between the EU and Morocco. Continue reading >>
03 October 2024

Mutterschutz nach Fehlgeburt

Das BVerfG hat mit Beschluss vom 21. August 2024 die Verfassungsbeschwerde mehrerer Frauen, die eine Fehlgeburt nach der 12., aber vor der 24. Schwangerschaftswoche erlitten haben, nicht zur Entscheidung angenommen. Damit ließ das BVerfG die zentrale materiell-rechtliche Frage offen, ob das MuSchG Frauen nach einer Fehlgeburt von Verfassungs wegen schützen muss. Der folgende Beitrag geht dieser Frage nach und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die aktuelle Schutzfristregelung aus § 3 Abs. 2 bis 4 MuSchG gegen Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG i.V.m. Art. 6 Abs. 4 GG verstößt. Zwar ist eine verfassungskonforme Auslegung möglich. Gleichwohl sollte der Gesetzgeber den Mutterschutz nach Fehlgeburt ausdrücklich regeln, um Betroffene effektiv zu schützen. Continue reading >>