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16 May 2024

Gaza, Artificial Intelligence, and Kill Lists

The Israeli army has developed an artificial intelligence-based system called “Lavender”. This approach promises faster and more accurate targeting; however, human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have warned of deficits in responsibility for violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). In the following, we will examine these concerns and show how responsibility for violations of IHL remains attributable to a state that uses automated or semi-automated systems in warfare.

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23 January 2024

Orwell’sche Gleichgültigkeit und Europäische Demokratie

Stolz wurde am 9. Dezember 2023 verkündet, dass „der KI-Deal steht“ – so ließe sich die damalige Pressemeldung des Rates paraphrasieren. Mittlerweile ist allerdings Besorgnis im Hinblick auf die weitere Ausformung des erzielten Kompromisses angebracht. Nachdem die Institutionen bei einem langwierigen letzten Treffen innerhalb der Trilog-Verhandlungen zwischen Parlament, Rat und Kommission zu einem „provisional agreement“ fanden, das den langen wie gewundenen Weg der (angeblich) „weltweit ersten“ KI-Regulierung zu einem Ende bringen könnte, scheint sich der für Ende Januar erwartete konkrete Textentwurf des AI Acts in mehrerlei Hinsicht von den dortigen Festlegungen zu entfernen. In der Sache lassen sich gewichtige rechtliche Einwände gegen den konkreten Regulierungsansatz vorbringen; noch schwerwiegender lastet allerdings das bedeutsame wie kritische Defizit der demokratischen Legitimierung dieser wichtigen regulatorischen Entscheidung auf den aktuellen Entwicklungen des AI Acts.

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19 December 2023

The EU’s Pacing Problem

The EU regulators face a pacing problem. This has been demonstrated several times during the legislative process of the AI Act itself: for example, the initial Commission proposal from 2021 did not include a definition of General Purpose AI (GPAI). The proposal did not anticipate the rise of Large Language Models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 but only addressed AI systems designed for specific purposes. This lacuna in the original proposal has haunted the EU Parliament, Council and Commission in the past final weeks of the trilogue negotiations, where the inclusion of so-called Frontier Models has been hotly contested. This blog post explores potential boosters for the EU's capacity to regulate AI: delegated legislation, soft law, and a centralized AI office.

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05 December 2023

BigTech’s Efforts to Derail the AI Act

Big Tech is trying to water down the AI Act, which is supposed to be finalized before the end of this year. This is yet another chapter in the private sector's influence on governments to turn AI regulation into a toothless self-regulatory framework. The narratives that lobbying power is trying to install follow a well-known pattern. This blog post goes into detail and explains what's at stake.

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