27 November 2024
Who Let the Bots Out
As artificial intelligence revolutionizes modern warfare, systems like Israel’s Lavender and Ukraine’s Clearview AI are transforming combat with precision and efficiency. This advancement has sparked an urgent debate on the responsible use and governance of AI in military, with 57 countries signing the Political Declaration on AI’s military applications, urging adherence to international law. Central to this is the accountability – who is responsible when AI systems violate laws? This blog post argues that state responsibility for AI violations remains viable within existing legal frameworks. Continue reading >>
12 November 2024
Frisch gewagt ist nur halb gewonnen
Kein Erfolg ohne Training und gutes Trainingsmaterial. Was schon seither für Menschen gilt, ist auch für Künstliche Intelligenz („KI“) nicht anders zu beurteilen. Diese benötigt quantitativ und qualitativ hochwertige Datensätze, um menschenähnlich kreativen Output generieren zu können. Teil dieser Datensätze sind urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke (etwa Fotos oder Texte), derer sich Unternehmen auch bedienen, ohne vorher die Einwilligung der Urheber einzuholen. Ein Urteil des LG Hamburg versucht nun dieses Spannungsfeld aufzulösen – dies gelingt allerdings nur teilweise. Continue reading >>
03 November 2024
Of Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights Charters
The Council of Europe has adopted the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence – the first of its kind. Notably, the Framework Convention includes provisions specifically tailored to enable the EU’s participation. At the same time, the EU has developed its own framework around AI. I argue that the EU should adopt the Framework Convention, making an essential first step toward integrating the protection of fundamental rights of the EU Charter. Ultimately, this should create a common constitutional language and bridge the EU and the Council of Europe to strengthen fundamental rights in Europe. Continue reading >>
03 June 2024
Deepfakes, the Weaponisation of AI Against Women and Possible Solutions
In January 2024, social media platforms were flooded with intimate images of pop icon Taylor Swift, quickly reaching millions of users. However, the abusive content was not real; they were deepfakes – synthetic media generated by artificial intelligence (AI) to depict a person’s likeness. But the threat goes beyond celebrities. Virtually anyone (with women being disproportionately targeted) can be a victim of non-consensual intimate deepfakes (NCID). Albeit most agree that companies must be held accountable for disseminating potentially extremely harmful content like NCIDs, effective legal responsibility mechanisms remain elusive. This article proposes concrete changes to content moderation rules as well as enhanced liability for AI providers that enable such abusive content in the first place. Continue reading >>
29 April 2024
Overcoming Big Tech AI Merger Evasions: Innovating EU Competition Law through the AI Act
To develop AI, computing power and access to data (aka bigness) are crucial. Now, Big Tech companies appear evading EU competition law. Companies like Google and Microsoft evade the EU Merger Regulation by entering partnerships with smaller AI labs that fall short of shifting ownership but nevertheless increase the monopolistic power of Big Tech. These quasi-mergers are particularly problematic in the context of generative AI, which relies even more than many other services on incredibly vast computing power. That is a dire state from an economic as well as a more fundamental and democratic perspective, as concentrating economic might in the hands of very few companies may cause problems down the road. Continue reading >>11 March 2024
Shipwreck after Shipwreck
On 26 February 2024, the European Ombudsman issued a decision OI/3/2023/MHZ on the fundamental rights obligations of Frontex with regard to search and rescue in the context of its maritime surveillance activities. While affirming Frontex’s compliance with the applicable rules and protocols, the inquiry exposed significant shortcomings in how the Agency handles maritime incidents, including the issuance of emergency signals. Given the persistent scale of recurrent shipwrecks, I argue that integrating AI systems into Frontex’s activities has the capacity to significantly improve the decision-making process in responding to boats in potential distress and the overall SAR system. Continue reading >>
07 February 2024
Examining the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act
Finally, consensus on the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. The academic community is thus finally in a position to provide a (slightly) more definitive evaluation of the Act’s potential to protect individuals and societies from AI systems’ harms. This blog post attempts to contribute to this discussion by illustrating and commenting on the final compromises regarding some of the most controversial and talked-about aspects of the AI Act, namely its rules on high-risk systems, its stance on General Purpose AI, and finally its system of governance and enforcement. Continue reading >>
23 January 2024
Orwell’sche Gleichgültigkeit und Europäische Demokratie
Stolz wurde am 9. Dezember 2023 verkündet, dass „der KI-Deal steht“ – so ließe sich die damalige Pressemeldung des Rates paraphrasieren. Mittlerweile ist allerdings Besorgnis im Hinblick auf die weitere Ausformung des erzielten Kompromisses angebracht. Nachdem die Institutionen bei einem langwierigen letzten Treffen innerhalb der Trilog-Verhandlungen zwischen Parlament, Rat und Kommission zu einem „provisional agreement“ fanden, das den langen wie gewundenen Weg der (angeblich) „weltweit ersten“ KI-Regulierung zu einem Ende bringen könnte, scheint sich der für Ende Januar erwartete konkrete Textentwurf des AI Acts in mehrerlei Hinsicht von den dortigen Festlegungen zu entfernen. In der Sache lassen sich gewichtige rechtliche Einwände gegen den konkreten Regulierungsansatz vorbringen; noch schwerwiegender lastet allerdings das bedeutsame wie kritische Defizit der demokratischen Legitimierung dieser wichtigen regulatorischen Entscheidung auf den aktuellen Entwicklungen des AI Acts. Continue reading >>
14 December 2023
To Score Is to Decide
Can the act of assigning a score to someone constitute a decision? This, in essence, is the question the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) had to answer in Case C-634/21. And the Court’s answer is yes, following in the footsteps of the Advocate General’s opinion on the case. Rendered on 7 December, this ruling was eagerly awaited as it was the first time the Court had the opportunity to interpret the notorious Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) prohibiting decisions “based solely on automated processing". Continue reading >>
15 November 2023
Biden, Bletchley, and the emerging international law of AI
Everyone talks about AI at the moment. Biden issues an Executive Order while the EU hammers out its AI Act, and world and tech leaders meet in the UK to discuss AI. The significance of Biden’s Executive Order can therefore only be understood when taking a step back and considering the growing global AI regulatory landscape. In this blogpost, I argue that an international law of AI is slowly starting to emerge, pushing countries to adopt their own position on this technology in the international regulatory arena, before others do so for them. Biden’s Executive Order should hence be read with exactly this purpose in mind. Continue reading >>