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15 July 2024

On Tables, Markets, and Free Speech

On the surface level, we see private actors exercising more and more power over speech; on a deeper level though, we might be returning to a far older discussion about the interplay of private and public power, and the fate of an individual who lives in the crash zone between them. Given that the result of this clash largely comes down to choosing a proper regulatory policy, this contribution argues that when regulating market-situated speech particular caution should be exercised. Continue reading >>
19 August 2022

Compute and Antitrust

Compute or computing power refers to a software and hardware stack, such as in a data centre or computer, engineered for AI-specific applications. We argue that the antitrust and regulatory literature to date has failed to pay sufficient attention to compute, despite compute being a key input to AI progress and services, the potentially substantial market power of companies in the supply chain, and the advantages of compute as a ‘unit’ of regulation in terms of detection and remedies. Continue reading >>
20 May 2021

Alibaba: Punishment and Collaboration

On 6 April 2021, Alibaba, a leading e-commerce platform, was fined $2.75 billion for abuse of dominance in the Chinese market. In the weeks that followed, Chinese regulators started investigations into other giants of the platform economy, for similar anti-competitive conduct. They signify a shift in Chinese regulators’ strong determination to crack down on monopolistic conduct. Continue reading >>
07 April 2021

Democratizing the App Store

As of March 2021, several State bills in the United States have been launched to address the antitrust issues with the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. The two Tech Giants Apple and Google are charging software developers up to a 30 percent commission on the price of paid apps and in-app purchases. Legislators not only in the US but also in the EU aim to address the “gatekeeper” role of Big Tech, such as Amazon and Google. When attempting to democratize app stores, legislators should aim to allow small developers and startups easy access to app stores. This would both decrease prices for consumers and allow for more innovation and consumer choice. Continue reading >>
12 March 2021

On the Creation and the Slaying of Monsters

On paradigm change, generational change, antitrust law, and Amazon Continue reading >>
02 September 2020

The Epic Battle for the Soul of Antitrust

Antitrust is back in the United States, and Big Tech might soon feel it. In July, the House Subcommittee Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law summoned the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, and Facebook to a hearing. With Epic Games, Inc.’s (Epic) complaint against the app store operators Apple and Google, the core of the present antitrust debate has squarely reached the federal courts in the U.S.: what are the legal limits of Big Tech’s monopoly power? Continue reading >>
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