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13 February 2024

Protect the German Federal Constitutional Court!

For a long time, we felt in Germany as though we were in a world of bliss. While the independence of the judiciary was being attacked in Poland, the USA and most recently in Israel, we were blessed with a strong constitutional court. Over the decades, it has proven to be independent and impartial; it has earned immense trust and respect among the public. However, the independence of the Federal Constitutional Court is built on sand. Now, a public debate has flared up as to whether and how the independence of the Constitutional Court should be protected. A look into other legal systems can contribute to this debate. Continue reading >>
29 May 2023

A Win for LGBT Rights in Namibia

In the recent case of Digashu and Seiler-Lilles the Namibian Supreme Court held that denying the recognition of same-sex spouses under the Immigration Control Act 1993 was not only a violation of the right to dignity under the Namibian Constitution, but also amounted to unfair discrimination. While limited in scope, the judgement is a win for the rights of LGBTQIA+ persons in a jurisdiction where they remain mostly unrecognized. It is also notable for its use of comparativism as a deliberative resource. Continue reading >>
09 November 2009

USA: Lebenslang für Jugendliche – Ende einer barbarischen Strafrechtspraxis?

Die USA sind das einzige Land der Erde, dessen Justizsystem […] Continue reading >>
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