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14 August 2023

How Cohesion Became the EU’s Vehicle for Economic Policy

In Brussels, something remarkable has happened in the last four years. Cohesion policy—which had heretofore been a policy backwater, aimed at addressing regional disparities—has emerged as the EU’s primary vehicle for reshaping economic and related fiscal policies in the Member States. As a result, any economic or fiscal policy measure that can be plausibly described as a structural reform (primarily an area of Member State competence, subject to Union coordination) can now be reframed as a measure of EU cohesion policy (a shared competence) that can be supported by EU funds to incentivize compliance. How did this happen? Continue reading >>
07 June 2023

An Inconvenient Constraint

On 1 July 2024, Hungary is set to take over the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The European Parliament and the Meijers Committee issued reports questioning whether Hungary should be blocked from doing that. These proposals raise questions of political feasibility, however, especially as one may doubt if a Hungarian Council Presidency can do much practical damage to the EU. In addition, they also raise questions of legal feasibility. A logical prerequisite for preventing Hungary from holding the Presidency as long as it breaches the rule of law is that doing so is consistent with the EU’s own rule of law. I doubt it is. Continue reading >>
10 February 2023

Kompetenzausschuss statt Kompetenzgericht

Der Konflikt um die Kompetenzverteilung zwischen der Europäischen Union und ihren Mitgliedstaaten sowie der Entscheidungsmacht darüber hat bereits diverse Reformvorschläge hervorgebracht. Diese reichen von einem separaten Europäischen Kompetenzgericht über eine gemischte Kammer am EuGH mit Beteiligung nationaler Richterinnen und Richtern hin zu einem umgekehrten Vorlageverfahren. Während bislang vor allem gerichtliche Lösungen diskutiert wurden, eruiert dieser Beitrag das Potenzial einer Lösung im politischen Prozess durch einen neu zu schaffenden, parlamentarisch besetzten Kompetenzvermittlungsausschuss. Continue reading >>
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