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26 September 2024

Can the Knesset dissolve itself during recess?

On July 28, 2024, the 25th Knesset entered the longest recess in its history amidst an ongoing military conflict and complex political challenges. This unprecedented situation brought to the forefront the urgent and hypothetical question of whether opposition factions in the Knesset could initiate the dissolution of the Knesset, topple the government, and return the mandate to the people. While the High Court of Justice ruling in Frij restricts convening the Knesset during recess to urgent government matters, private bills aimed at dissolving the Knesset should be an exception under certain constitutional conditions. Continue reading >>
29 May 2023

Ecuador’s Mutual Death Clause

On May 17, Ecuadorian President, Guillermo Lasso, dissolved the National Assembly by activating a unique constitutional clause known as ‘mutual death’ [muerte cruzada]. Under this provision, added to Ecuador’s Constitution in 2008 but never before used, the President can dissolve the Legislative, call general elections, and rule by decree until a new Legislative and President are elected. This post details the significance of these recent events and the decision of the Constitutional Court to render the clause non-reviewable. Continue reading >>
24 July 2019

Strengthening the President – Betraying Maidan?

Last Sunday's parliamentary elections resulted in a composition of the Verkhovna Rada – the Ukrainian parliament – which guarantees a solid majority to the President's party. The circumstances leading to the prematurely held elections, however, were more than doubtful from a constitutional law perspective. The Constitutional Court (CC) confirmed the dissolution of Ukraine’s parliament as constitutional in a controversial decision which strengthens the position of the president and thereby ignores the intentions and objectives of the Maidan revolution of 2014. Continue reading >>
25 April 2016

“Das wäre wohl so etwas wie eine Verfassungskrise”

Wenn der FPÖ-Kandidat der nächste österreichische Bundespräsident wird, kann er womöglich die Regierung entlassen, eine neue ernennen und das Parlament auflösen - und niemand könnte ihn stoppen. Theo Öhlinger erklärt im Verfassungsblog-Interview, wie das Amt des Bundespräsidenten in Österreich ausgestaltet ist, welche verfassungsrechtlichen Unsicherheiten bestehen und ob eine Verfassungskrise in den Bereich des Denkbaren rückt. Continue reading >>
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