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20 September 2023

Poland’s Elections: Free, perhaps, but not Fair

Poland’s upcoming parliamentary elections will be the country’s most important vote since the historic elections of 1989. Indeed, the momentous character of the elections might be the only thing upon which the governing PiS (Law and Justice) party and the opposition might agree. If the elections in October were fair, PiS’ defeat might be plausible though by no means certain. Yet, the preceding sentence identifies a condition we already know will not occur. In this analysis, I map the multiple ways in which the system has been rigged in favour of the incumbents. While I will only describe the most striking aspects of this unfairness, they all form parts of a system and thus should not be looked at in isolation. Kaczyński is a shrewd politician. There’s a method to his (apparent) madness. For the opposition to win is thus a Herculean task. Herculeses do appear in politics – but not that often. Continue reading >>
19 January 2023

Farewell to “Personenwahl”

The traffic light coalition’s (Ampelkoalition) draft for electoral reform opens a new chapter in the history of personalized proportional representation in Germany. The story began in London on February 16, 1946 (see Knowles). Representatives of the British occupation administration in Germany and the British government agreed at that time on a new local electoral law for their occupation zone. As part of this new system, one part of the local deputies was to be elected by relative majority in constituencies, the other based on party electoral lists according to the proportional representation of the parties. Continue reading >>
03 March 2022

Three Constituent Peoples and “the Others”

This fall, presidential and general elections are supposed to take place in crisis-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina. Already in 2009, the electoral system in force and its approach of ethnic representation was found to be discriminatory in terms of the ECHR by the Strasbourg court’s famous Sejdić and Finci decision. Without necessary amendments to the Constitution and the Election Act, the country now risks facing an electoral boycott or entering an election process contrary to the ECHR for the fourth time in a row. Continue reading >>
16 December 2021

Chekhov’s Gun

On 9 November, the Fidesz-majority in the parliament passed an amendment on the registration of permanent addresses in Hungary, which allows to register a permanent address without actually living there. In addition, creating a fictional address will no longer be a punishable crime, as the parliament also modified the Penal Code by deleting this specific case from the provisions of document falsification. This legislative step opens the floodgates of voter tourism for the Spring parliamentary elections creating legal but unfair and undemocratic possibilities for winning the most competitive Single Member Districts. Continue reading >>
20 February 2021

Better Late than Never

On 2 February 2021, the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic repealed several crucial provisions of the electoral law. This decision is surprising since all of the previous petitions to repeal the electoral law were rejected by the Court for either procedural reasons or for manifest unfoundedness. The decision also presents a fairly active and, perhaps, unfortunately timed intervention of the judicial branch into the current political reality in the Czech Republic nine months before the upcoming election. Continue reading >>
22 June 2017

Das italienische Wahlrecht nach deutscher Art reformieren – oder nicht?

Das deutsche Wahlsystem soll Vorbild sein für die Reform des Wahlrechts in Italien. Was hat es mit diesem Vorbildcharakter auf sich, und wie passt das deutsche personalisierte Verhältniswahlrecht zu den Vorgaben der italienischen Verfassung? Continue reading >>
28 February 2017

Halving the “Italicum”: The Italian Constitutional Court and the Reform of the Electoral System

The Italian electoral system is currently hotly debated. With the so called "Italicum" former PM Renzi had introduced a fundamental reform. After the 2016 Referendum on it, the Constitutional Court now literally cut the law in half. Continue reading >>
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