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12 May 2020

Constitutional Constraints meet Political Pressure

The Finnish Constitutional Law Committee had already in April adopted a critical position towards the COVID 19 crisis measures in the EU. Last week the Committee continued its critical examination. It came to the conclusion that the Eurogroup decision to essentially remove all conditionality from the new loan facility of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is incompatible with the Finnish Constitution and expressed serious doubts about its compatibility with EU law. The Committee also repeated its concerns about the accumulation of financial risks deriving from EU membership. Continue reading >>
04 April 2020

The European Stability Mechanism is a False Solution to a Real European Problem

The conflict opposing the Northern (and Eastern) to the Southern Member States has reemerged with special animosity in the last weeks. European governments have developed deep disagreements over how to distribute the costs not only of fighting the coronavirus epidemics, but also of the socio-economic reconstruction that would be required once the public health emergence has been overcome, and which will require mobilising resources on a scale unknown since the Second World War. Continue reading >>
26 March 2020

ESM-Kredite statt Corona-Bonds

ESM-Kredite oder Corona-Bonds? Das Thema steht heute auf der Agenda des Ratstreffens ganz oben. Durch die Corona-Pandemie droht eine wirtschaftliche Krise und eine gemeinsame fiskalische Antwort der Eurozonen-Mitgliedstaaten hierauf wäre ein begrüßenswertes Symbol des Zusammenhalts und der Solidarität in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Sie könnte die Märkte beruhigen, Staatsschuldenkrisen verhindern und Zweifel an der Integrität der Eurozone im Keim ersticken. Diese Antwort muss sich jedoch im Rahmen des geltenden (europäischen Währungs-)Rechts bzw. der Vorgaben des ESM-Vertrages halten. Der Einsatz des ESM ist dabei der Emission von Corona-Bonds vorzuziehen, weil er rechtssicherer und schneller umsetzbar ist. Continue reading >>
21 September 2016

ESM and Protection of Fundamental Rights: Towards the End of Impunity?

The CJEU has sent a strong signal to EU institutions: whether they act in the framework of EU law or at its margins, under the screen of international agreements, the Commission and the ECB should duly take fundamental rights into account, and be ready to be held liable if they fail to do so. Continue reading >>
21 September 2016

CJEU Opens Door to Legal Challenges to Euro Rescue Measures in Key Decision

The Ledra Advertising decision by the European Court of Justice breaks down the barrier between European institutions and international-treaty based structures that have sprang up to deal with the needs of euro-area crisis response. This opens the door to legal challenges to the bailout programmes of the EFSF/ESM offering an avenue to a plethora of claimants to unpick the questionable legal underpinnings of conditionality and austerity policies. Continue reading >>
17 December 2012

Alain Supiot über Sozialstaat, Globalisierung und Solidarität

In seiner Antrittsvorlesung im Collège de France skizzierte der Arbeits- […] Continue reading >>
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