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29 July 2024

Beyond Borders

The question of extraterritoriality has found a very particular application in contexts of migration. This renders the questions of which state has to fulfill human rights obligations while a migrant is on the move and to what extent very pressing ones. This symposium examines what the existing criteria for attribution exactly mean for states’ extraterritorial obligations and responsibility in a migration context and whether arguments from other fields of law could either inspire or be implemented beyond their respective borders. Continue reading >>
29 February 2024

Humanitarian Externalisation

Why are the reasons given in support of the declared aim of the current asylum policies in the UK, EU and USA of breaking the business model of smugglers expressed in humanitarian terms? It is, no doubt, tempting to simply dismiss this humanitarian rhetoric as hypocrisy, as the compliment that vice pays to virtue. Yet however justified that dismissal may be in particular cases, to turn away too quickly from this phenomenon would be to miss something of political significance in its form and to fail to register the historical entanglement of humanitarianism and border externalisation. Continue reading >>
27 February 2024

Understanding European Border Management

This contribution highlights how European border management disrupts conventional state-centric understandings thereof, while fostering impunity for human rights violations in its enforcement. EU borders are increasingly controlled in a supranational fashion by a panoply of different actors with different legal mandates and obligations, expanding within and beyond the physical frontiers of Member States. In addition, new technologies and the political turn to the logic of ‘crisis governance’ are contributing to changing the traditional practice of border controls, with a multiplicy of actors being involved in a complex dynamic of securitization. The actors, practices and the legal framework governing European border controls are rapidly changing; yet underlying linear and territorial assumptions and liability regimes remain unchanged perpetuating serious human rights shortcomings. Continue reading >>
27 February 2024

How the EU Death Machine Works

Since 2015, more than 27.500 innocent people died or ‘went missing’ in the Mediterranean. They drowned by themselves thanks to villain smugglers, the Council submits; accountability for the death toll is a complex matter, the Court of Justice finds; besides the geopolitical times are complex – the Commission is right. But what an accident: mare nostrum, a great thoroughfare, turned itself into a racialized grave. Yet, these deaths at EU borders, just as mass abuse and kidnappings by EU-funded and equipped thugs in Libya do not happen by chance. The EU-Belarus border is another locus of torture and violence. All this is a successful implementation of well-designed lawless policies by the Union in collusion with the Member States. In this post, we map key legal techniques deployed by the designers of the EU’s death machine. Continue reading >>
12 June 2023

In Search of (Ir)Responsibility

It is no secret that the eastern Mediterranean route linking Turkey with Greece is currently shifting. Due to the harsh conditions for asylum-seekers in Greece, Greek pushbacks, and border closures by the Balkan states, asylum-seekers have started to cross the eastern Mediterranean to reach Italy instead. This sea route is much longer, and therefore, more dangerous. In the Crotone shipwreck, at least 94 asylum-seekers died right in front of Italian shores. Recent investigative reports indicate that Italian maritime authorities and Frontex could have prevented these deaths. Building on these reports, this blogpost argues that Italian authorities and Frontex violated their legal search and rescue (SAR) obligations: Both authorities failed to adequately evaluate the case and initiate the urgently required rescue measures. Continue reading >>
18 April 2023

New Digital Gates for Fortress Europe?

On March 29th, the Permanent Representatives Committee approved the EU Council's negotiating mandate for a Regulatory proposal to digitalize the Visa procedure. Proponents argue that this move will improve security and reduce administrative costs for both EU Member States and interested travellers. However, I argue that the Draft Regulation raises many concerns about the effective protection of the fundamental rights of Schengen visa applicants. If adopted, it threatens to perpetuate the subordination of fundamental rights to security and efficiency concerns that characterizes the increasing digitalization and datafication of EU migration management operations. Continue reading >>
29 October 2021

The Deadly Woods

Since August 2021, hundreds of people have attempted, and many have succeeded, to irregularly cross the border from Belarus to Poland. In retaliation, they are pushed back to Belarus by Polish authorities and then forced to cross back to Poland by Belarusian authorities. Forced to repeatedly wander in minus temperatures through thick woods, many persons have been seriously injured and at least several have died. As of the end of October 2021, there are two parallel frameworks legalizing pushbacks in Poland. Continue reading >>
22 December 2015

Die EU rüstet auf: Außengrenzschutz der nächsten Generation

Als Teil eines umfassenden Legislativpakets schlägt die Europäische Kommission vor, notfalls auch ohne oder gegen den Willen des betroffenen europäischen Küstenstaates EU-Grenzschutzoperationen durchzuführen. Der erwartete Aufschrei potentiell betroffener Staaten zum Erhalt ihrer domaine reservé in Sachen souveräner Grenzsicherung ließ nicht lange auf sich warten. Der Vorschlag bringt zwar einige Neuerungen. Letztendlich vertieft die Kommissionsvision allerdings nur die hybride Grenzschutzstruktur, statt (endlich) den Weg eines konsequenten einheitlichen supranationalen Grenzschutzes einzuschlagen. Continue reading >>
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