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22 May 2024

Rechtsaußen in Europa

Die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) ist nicht die einzige Rechtsaußen-Partei, die vor einem möglichen Wahlerfolg steht. In vielen europäischen Ländern erleben Parteien die sich vehement gegen Einwanderung, die vermeintliche „Elite“ und die Europäische Union (EU) wenden einen Popularitätsschub. Meinungsumfragen deuten darauf hin, dass sie bei den kommenden Europawahlen im Juni 2024 bis zu einem Viertel der Sitze gewinnen könnten. Bei näherer Betrachtung wird jedoch deutlich, dass es trotz ihrer augenscheinlichen Kameradschaft und gemeinsamen Ideologie bemerkenswerte Unterschiede zwischen diesen Kräften in den 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten gibt. Continue reading >>
09 February 2024

Exercising Power from the Outside

Since 2019, anti-Islam non-parliamentary activists have explored the limits to freedom of speech in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands through their provocative Quran desecration acts. Using the non-parliamentarian arena to exercise power from a position of minority, the far-right activist Rasmus Paludan and his party were able to effectively push the Danish constitutional boundaries, while at the same time affecting the geopolitical situation. While the protests so far only have had legal repercussions regarding blasphemy and freedom of speech in Denmark, it clearly demonstrates that non-parliamentary far-right activists also hold certain legislative powers. Continue reading >>
08 February 2024

Subnational Politics and the Path of National Democracies

In Germany and the United States, political factions have emerged in the last decade that have challenged some of the core institutions, conventions, and norms of liberal democratic life. In both countries, subnational units of government—states or municipalities—have operated as staging grounds for parties or factions of parties that reject some or all necessary elements of democratic practice. While they have used different institutional tactics to this end, many basic elements of political strategy can be observed across the two cases. Continue reading >>
14 August 2023

How to Respond to the Far Right

Across the European continent, far-right parties are soaring in opinion polls. As the far right continues establishing its presence on the mainstream political stage, the urgency to address its rise and normalisation cannot be overstated. But which strategies are effective when and why? Continue reading >>
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