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18 December 2023

(State) Immunity for Palestine?

On December 11, 2023, the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office decided to discontinue investigations against Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian National Authority. The declared reason for doing so lies in his immunity pursuant to Section 20 para. 1 of the German Courts Constitution Act (GVG). The decision is instructive with regard to Germany's understanding of sovereign immunity and Palestine's role in international relations. Continue reading >>
12 October 2021

The Afghanistan Saga did not Rupture the Orientation of International Law and Relations

While the withdrawal phase of allied involvement in Afghanistan has, quite deservedly, generated a lot of attention, controversy and tragedy, broadly speaking, it has not – so far – caused or signaled any significant rupture in the orientation of international law and relations toward weaker states and peoples. Continue reading >>
11 October 2021

Der Abzug aus Afghanistan läutet eine neue Ära globaler Kriege um Infrastruktur und Lieferketten ein

Für manche stellt der demütige Abzug der Vereinigten Staaten und der NATO-Koalitionspartner aus Afghanistan ein angemessenes Ende der Kriege nach dem 11. September 2001 dar. Doch meiner Meinung nach markiert dieser Abzug einen wichtigeren Anfang: unseren unfreiwilligen Eintritt in eine neue Ära der kompetitiven Kriegsführung - wobei Afghanistan nur den Anfang einer neuen Ära globaler Infrastruktur- und Lieferkettenkriege darstellt. Continue reading >>
08 October 2021

Afghanistan and Great Power Interventionism as Self-Defense

We are still in the process of assessing the outcomes of 20 years of Western military and humanitarian presence in Afghanistan, and of a heartless and chaotic withdrawal. The current and somewhat self-centred debates may obscure considerable collateral legal nihilism. My main argument is that the re-interpretation of Art. 51 UN Charter by the US in the context of the so called “war on terror” was (and still is) an attempt to re-introduce new legal justifications for old forms of great power interventionism. Continue reading >>
06 October 2021

Urban Legacies of 9/11: An International Law Perspective

From the perspective of an international lawyer, the urban dimension of the attacks of 9/11 is conspicuously absent from most of the debates. Yet, there is a hidden story underneath the bigger geopolitical picture and its international legal implications that most of the contributions to this symposium discuss. The 9/11 attacks went for urban symbols that were at the same time global symbols; in the wave of terrorism that followed cities both in the Global North and Global South were the target – physically, politically and culturally. Security is increasingly understood as an urban issue. Continue reading >>
05 October 2021

Deconstructing (Western) Exceptionalism for International Crimes

Examining how Western states - primarily the US, UK and Canada - approach and develop their exceptional status with respect to allegations of international crimes shows that they pursue ‘exceptionalism’ and its benefits through a variety of strategies. Given the relative standing and power of these states internationally, the risks posed by their tactics may disproportionately burden international institutions and norms rather than the states themselves. Continue reading >>
04 October 2021

Intermediate Solidarities: The Case of the Afghan Interpreters

The Western imaginary of solidarity to distant others has long dominated discussions of Afghanistan. This commentary looks at what might be described as intermediary solidarities - towards local suppletives who have put themselves in harm’s way to aid foreign interventions, primarily Afghan interpreters, employed by Western armies. I contrast a sense of patriotic noblesse oblige to former allies with a more critical international evaluation of the status of these interpreters. Continue reading >>
28 January 2019

Rival Governments in Venezuela: Democracy and the Question of Recognition

Venezuela is divided into two opposite sets of institutions with competing claims to power. States all over the world face now a choice between two parallel regimes. Only one can be recognized as legitimate. This article argues that, against the backdrop of a split society and rival institutions, coupled with massive protests and widespread civic resistance, democratic legitimation provides a solid criterion for recognition. Continue reading >>
25 February 2016

US-Angriffe auf den „Islamischen Staat“ in Libyen: Die dünnste aller Rechtsgrundlagen

Die Luftangriffe in Libyen gegen den "Islamischen Staat" rechtfertigt die US-Regierung damit, dass die „libyan authorities on the ground“ über die Militärschläge unterrichtet waren. Mit anderen Worten: Es handelt sich um eine mit Einverständnis der Regierung vorgenommene Intervention („Intervention auf Einladung“). Dadurch wird das Gewaltverbot prima facie folglich nicht verletzt, weil die Verletzung der territorialen Integrität nicht gegen den Willen des betroffenen Staats erfolgt. Die Intervention auf Einladung ist allerdings eine ganz allgemein höchst strittige Rechtsgrundlage. Continue reading >>
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