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21 June 2017

Reform der EU-Asylpolitik: Fallstricke bei der politischen Aktualisierung von Verfassungswerten

Die relative Ruhe der öffentlichen Diskussion sollte nicht davon ablenken, dass die Krise des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems ungelöst bleibt. Umso wichtiger ist, dass die Kommission eine Reihe von Vorschlägen unterbreitete, die derzeit in Brüssel intensiv diskutiert, in Deutschland mit Ausnahme der Reform der Dublin-Verordnung aber kaum beachtet werden. In der Tat sind die vorgeschlagene Reform der Aufnahme-Richtlinie sowie das Vorhaben für eine neue Verfahrens- und Qualifikation-Verordnung, die erstmals im vergangenen Juli kurz vor der Sommerpause veröffentlicht wurden, vergleichsweise technisch angelegt. Wichtig sind sie aber dennoch, weil die drei Rechtsakte den legislativen Kern des GEAS ausmachen und daher auch beim anstehenden Europäischen Rat am 22. und 23. Juni diskutiert werden. Überwindet die EU mit den Vorhaben die Krise? Continue reading >>
04 October 2016

The Invalid Anti-Migrant Referendum in Hungary

After an unprecedented and partially illegal attempt to bring Hungarian voters in line against the EU refugee quota, the referendum launched by the government is invalid, as only around 40 percent turned out to vote. This was an own goal made by the Orbán government, which after overthrowing its predecessor as a result of a popular referendum made it more difficult to initiate a valid referendum. Continue reading >>
02 October 2016

A really, really bad month for refugees

Reflecting on her party’s recent electoral losses, German Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded that voter anxiety about her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees to enter her country was largely to blame. “If I could, I would turn back time by many, many years to better prepare myself and the whole German government for the situation that reached us unprepared in late summer 2015,” she said. Sadly, September’s refugee summits have done nothing to prepare us for the next refugee exodus. Continue reading >>
30 September 2016

Warum das Flüchtlingsquoten-Referendum in Ungarn so eine erzfaule Sache ist

Von seinem Volk will Viktor Orbán wissen, ob sie die EU-Flüchtlingsquoten gut finden. Das sieht demokratisch aus, ist in Wahrheit aber genau das Gegenteil. Continue reading >>
17 February 2016

Hitting where it hurts the most: Hungary’s legal challenge against the EU’s refugee quota system

Following the drama and confusion on the South-Eastern borders of the EU in the hot summer of 2015, the EU and the Member States adopted a Council Decision which introduced a quota system for the distribution and settlement of asylum seekers and migrants. Its aim was to establish a regime for the fair sharing of burdens among the Member States. This quota system was opposed and subsequently challenged before the EU Court of Justice by Hungary, one of the worst affected EU Member States, by which it affirmed its position as a Member State which regards the Union primarily as an arena for vindicating its national interests, and which is not hesitant to prioritise its own interests, mainly in areas which fall within competences retained by the Member States, over those of other Member States and of the Union. Continue reading >>
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