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17 January 2019

A relative dissociation of Union citizenship from member States nationality needs to mean something more than long term residence status

Dissociating Union citizenship from Member States nationality law recognizes and consolidates the assumption that people holding a genuine link to the EU have the right to possess its citizenship, regardless of whether their state of residence is willing to offer it to them. I believe that granting the status of European citizenship beyond Member State nationality, in a period noted by the emergence of far-right populism targeting migration as the major threat for European civilizational unity is a win-win solution both for its bearers and the EU itself. Continue reading >>
16 January 2019

On Mushroom Reasoning and Kostakopoulou’s Argument for Eurozenship

Dora Kostakopoulou makes a spirited case for an autonomous status of European Union citizenship – one that is not related to the possession of citizenship of a Member State. However, while I sympathise with some of the concerns lying behind this proposal, I regard it as a misguided way of addressing them that is based in its turn on a misunderstanding of the nature of citizenship and of the EU and its achievements – albeit one shared by a number of the EU’s prime actors as well as certain of its foes. Continue reading >>
16 January 2019

Who Should Be a Citizen of the Union? Toward an Autonomous European Union Citizenship

Refusing to believe that political constraints outweigh political possibilities in the present historical conjuncture, I argue that the time is ripe for the disentanglement of Eurozenship from Member State nationality. Since the mid-1990s I have defended this reform. But my argument for an autonomous Eurozenship in this debate unfolds in two steps which are presented in the subsequent two sections. In the first section, I explore the incremental disentanglement of EU citizenship from the nationality law of Member States, while in the second section I reconstruct Eurozenship, that is, I present the configuration of an autonomous EU citizenship law which can co-exist with EU citizenship cum Member State nationality. Continue reading >>
29 May 2017

Der EuGH in H.C. Chavez-Vilchez: Abgeleitetes Aufenthaltsrecht aus der Unionsbürgerschaft und die Bedeutung des Kindeswohls

Der EuGH baut in der Rechtssache Chavez-Vilchez vom 10. Mai auf seine bisherigen Ausführungen auf, inwiefern Drittstaatsangehörige ein Aufenthaltsrecht aus der Unionsbürgerschaft ihrer minderjährigen Kinder ableiten können. Wird dadurch die rechtliche Ausnahme langsam zur Regel? Und welche Bedeutung hat dabei das Kindeswohl? Continue reading >>
14 March 2017

Von Angstklauseln und Schwarze-Peter-Gesetzgebung: der Kindergeld-Gesetzentwurf des BMF

Deutschland soll Unionsbürgern für ihre Kinder, die nicht in Deutschland leben, das Kindergeld kürzen können. So will es das Bundesfinanzministerium, das aber auch weiß, dass das unionsrechtlich derzeit gar nicht geht. Offenbar meint man, im aufziehenden Wahlkampf auch hierzulande politisches Kapital aus der Überschrift „Wir würden ja gerne den Sozialmissbrauch bekämpfen, wenn nicht die böse EU wäre…“ ziehen zu können. Hat es so eine plumpe „Schwarzer Peter-Gesetzgebung“ in Deutschland schon einmal gegeben? Continue reading >>
09 March 2011

Ruiz-Zambrano: Es lebe die Unionsbürgerschaft

Das epochale Ruiz-Zambrano-Urteil des EuGH ist, soweit ich sehe, von […] Continue reading >>
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