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28 March 2021

A Letter to the European Commission

Further to the letter of December 2020, endorsed by more than 5,000 judges and prosecutors of the Member States, we, the representatives of Polish civil society organisations and European scholars specialising in EU law and human rights, are writing to you once again in connection with the worsening rule of law crisis in Poland. We have now reached a stage where independent judges seeking to apply EU law and the Court of Justice’s judgments are threatened with abusive criminal charges and coercive measures. We urge you therefore to urgently adopt concrete legal measures to prevent the further destruction of the rule of law in Poland. Continue reading >>
03 March 2021

Misjudging Judges

5231 magistrates from all over the EU had signed a letter to call the EU Commission to urgent action regarding the rule of law situation in Poland, Hungary and other member states. Unbelievably, Commissioners Reynders and Jourová, in their reply to the judges’ letter that transpired on 1 March, managed to make matters considerably worse.  Continue reading >>
23 February 2021

A Political Impasse, and How to Get Out of It

At the end of January, EU Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová addressed a letter to a Spanish MEP. In this letter, the Commissioner, using diplomatic language, expressed her concern that the reform of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), initiated by the ruling Spanish left-wing coalition PSOE-Unidas Podemos in September, could diminish the independence of this governing body of the Judiciary and thus of all judges and courts. Continue reading >>
29 September 2020

No Doubt, Lots of Benefit

The Hungarian government demanded the dismissal of Commissioner Vera Jourová over a quip she made in an interview in the German press. The day before the Commission’s first annual report on the rule of law is scheduled to land, the EU finds itself steeped in a high level inter-institutional conflict — sown by a self-proclaimed illiberal democrat. This is what being stranded by one’s own self-deception looks like. Continue reading >>
30 April 2020

Corona Constitutional #18: Zu wenig, zu spät?

Die EU-Kommission hat bekannt gegeben, Polen wegen des sog. "Maulkorbgesetzes" gegen die unabhängige Justiz mit einem Vertragsverletzungsverfahren zu überziehen – endlich, wie viele sagen würden. Ob das reicht, ob das zu spät kommt angesichts der gnadenlosen Politik der geschaffenen Fakten, die die polnische Regierung an den Tag legt, darüber spricht Max Steinbeis in der heutigen Folge unseres Krisenpodcasts mit dem Demokratie-Aktivisten MARTIN MYCIELSKI von der Open Dialogue Foundation. Continue reading >>
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